Wednesday, 27 July 2016

REVIEW: Melody's Key by Dallas Coryell

Genre: Romance

Publisher: Self-Published

ISBN: 1533430217

Available at: E-Book/Paperback

Released: 24th June 2016

Links: Goodreads Youtube Instagram

Rating: 7/10

First up, let's talk about the author:

Dallas Coryell is a musician and author residing deep in the untamed wilds of Michigan, USA, where he desperately attempts to assign meaning to his world through bouts of maniacal creative catharsis and pitifully doomed hopeless romantic fantasies. All of the songs written by the characters in this novel are real and can be viewed on the author’s fledgling YouTube channel: Selfies and other assorted randomness can be found on the author’s Instagram:

Thursday, 14 July 2016

REVIEW: The Liberty Box & The Eden Conspiracy by C.A Gray

I was super excited to be sent an arc of The Eden Conspiracy along with the first book The Liberty Box by C.A Gray in an email earlier in the month.

It's the first arc I've received and I was not disappointed.
(The covers are also beautifully designed.)

Lets talk about the author:

C.A Gray is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor (NMD), with a primary care practice in Tucson, Arizona. She has always been captivated by the power of a good story, fictional or otherwise, which is probably why she loves holistic medicine: a patient’s physical health is invariably intertwined with his or her life story, and she believes that the one can only be understood in context with the other.

Her favorite fictional tales have always been epic battles of good versus evil, with a strong tendency towards parable. An idealist herself, she has always been convinced that these stories have something deeply true to tell us about the human condition, and that is why we love them so much… or at least that’s why she does. (Taken from her official website)

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

June 2016: Book Haul, Favourites & Wrap-up

It may be late, but it's finally here! My June book haul and favourites.

June was a hot month here in Canada- right into 30C weather. I visited downtown Toronto and spent time reading. I also went to see The Conjuring 2- I was terrified the whole time but, I loved it!

Not to mention... June was the month I finally started my blog.

The Books

I bought a lot of books this month. Best thing is, most of them where from the bargain section at Indigo/Chapters or off Amazon for a good deal. 

So what did I get? 

  • The Host by Stephenie Meyer
  • City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare
  • The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith 
  • Leaving Berlin by Joseph Kanon
  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
  • Everland by Wendy Spinale
  • Zodiac by Romina Russel
  • Acid by Emma Pass
  • The Glass Casket by McCormick Templeman 
  • Le Morte d'Arthur: King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table by Sir Thomas Malory 

I might have missed a book or two but as you can see I got quite a few.


Sunday, 3 July 2016

A Late Box & Unboxing (Kawaii Box Jan 2016)

Kawaii Box- January 2016

So I thought I'd write a blog post about my experience with the subscription box: Kawaii Box

Now I was super excited to get this box, I'd heard things about it for a while but was reluctant to order having no experiences from subscriptions boxes in the past. Let's just say the experience wasn't the best.

Starting at the beginning. I ordered the box at the start of January when I first moved over here to Canada. The cost wasn't expensive, (though prices are now $17.90/a month) and it included free-shipping. 

I had no problems with the price, in fact I was impressed it even had free-shipping as most subscription boxes I had been eyeing up did not.

I had a problem with the shipping time...