Wednesday, 15 February 2017

REVIEW: The Phoenix Project by C.A Gray

Genre: Sci-fi/Young Adult/Dystopian

Publisher: Wanderlust Publishing

ISBN: 9780998353630

Format: E-Book/Paperback

Expected Publication: March 2017

Rating: 8/10


The haven city of Beckenshire has been demolished, and most of the rebels lie beneath the rubble. The few that remain scramble to communicate with the the outside world, knowing that if they are to stand a chance in the coming war, they can’t do it alone. In a last ditch effort to grow their ranks, the remaining rebels systematically destroy the repeaters which help to propagate the control center signals. And it’s working: citizens in targeted cities are waking up in droves. But Ben Voltolini will stop at nothing to quell the uprising before it has a chance to get off the ground. And he has one major ace up his sleeve: Kate Brandeis.