Wednesday 22 June 2016

REVIEW: Zenith (The Androma Saga 1) by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings

Genre: Science Fiction

Publisher: Mirabel Inc: 1 Edition                                          
ISBN: 1311167609

Available at: E-Book formats only at current time

Links: GoodreadsWebsite

Rating: 6/10



Most know her as the Bloody Baroness, the captain of a fearsome glass starship called The Marauder. Androma and her crew strike terror in the hearts of those who cross them amongst the many corners of the Mirabel Galaxy.

When a routine mission goes rogue, the all-female crew is captured by a bounty hunter from Andi’s past and forced into a job that could, quite literally, start a war that will devour worlds.

Meanwhile, on the far side of the galaxy, the ruthless ruler Nor waits in the shadows of the planet Xen Ptera, biding her time. The final pieces are about to fall into place, liberating a plan that will tear Mirabel in two.

As the Marauder hurtles toward the unknown, there is one lesson that proves to be true: No one can be trusted in a galaxy that runs on lies and illusion.


Well what can I say. Sasha and Lindsay make a good team.

Now we have to remember this is only part 1. It's only a small segment of what we have to look forward to.

Like I'm sure a few others were, I did have some doubts after it was announced they would be writing together. Would their writing styles work together? Would their writing styles be easily distinguished between parts? Would it be distracting from the plot and story?

The answer is no.

Zenith is fast-paced and exciting: diving straight into the world these two fabulous authors have created. The description is fantastic and the plot strong. The characters have strong personalities- I'm especially fond of Lira and her witty personality. 

The world these two have created is exciting and fascinating. What's not to like about stars and space ships?

Of course, knowing this is only the first part of a bigger novel- my few criticisms are bound to be resolved with the release of the next few parts. 

First off, I wish there was more character development. I want to learn more about Andi and her crew. How they came together, their pasts before meeting and how they came to have their ship, The Marauder.

Additionally, despite my fondness for Lira- I wasn't able to form any connections her as a character. Or any of the others for that matter which was disappointing but understandable.  

But because of the names of the authors, I feel as though much of the books sales is due to (especially Sasha- YouTube: abookutopia) how well known they are. Which is disappointing- I'm not sure if it deserves quite the 5 star ratings its been gifted thus far, maybe once we have Zenith in its entirety.

Personally, I am more than sure that many of these issues will be resolved when the next four parts are released. But one more thing....

It's too short!

Hopefully, the next part will be released soon. I'm left yearning for more and can't wait for the next installment. And eventually I hope it is made into a physical book.

Sasha and Lindsay should be proud for what they have accomplished so far. For a first novel, Sasha has done well and I look forward to the next installment. 

Let me know what you think of Zenith? Do you agree with my thoughts? I'd love to know.

You can check out the website for the novel right here:

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